Kal K. Shah, a Partner in Benesch’s Litigation Practice Group and Chair, Intellectual Property Litigation Practice Group, will be speaking.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a group of panelists as they each discuss the structure of their law firm, including the number and meaning of each tier. Topics include: the financial responsibilities potentially involved (and not involved) and how each affects the financial planning leading up to any promotion and payment structures; the tax implications of being on a W-2 v. K1 system; preparing to become partner and the numbers to pay attention to; tips for beginning business development before reaching partnership; how civic engagement/leadership and involvement outside of the firm can set one apart; and how to incorporate diversity, inclusion, and minority recruitment into your law firm during the partner track course.
For additional information, please contact Megan Thomas at 216.363.4639 or mthomas@beneschlaw.com.