Bill represents clients in the financial sector in litigation and regulatory matters. He has deep experience in complex commercial litigation and class actions, including matters related to securities fraud, market manipulation, auditor liability, and high-frequency trading. Bill represents clients in SEC, CFTC, and exchange investigations, and prosecutions. He has extensive knowledge of the financial markets and the regulations governing those markets, including securities, commodities and derivatives, and digital assets.
Bill spent four years at American global markets company CME Group Inc., the world's largest financial derivatives exchange. At CME Group, he prosecuted rule violations, conducted hearings before exchange disciplinary panels, and administered the exchange arbitration process. His experience there provided him valuable perspective that informs the advice he provides clients in the complex litigation, investigative and regulatory matters he now handles in private practice.
Bill has served as an adjunct professor at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
Broad knowledge
Bill is a seasoned litigator, with experience in various forums, including federal and state courts, administrative agency proceedings, and arbitration. In the financial markets, he has experience with a broad range of financial products and asset classes. At CME Group, he was responsible for regulating trading in futures and options in agricultural products, currencies, energy, interest rates, metals, stock indexes, and cryptocurrencies.
Prosecutorial experience
As senior enforcement counsel in CME Group's Market Regulation Department, Bill investigated and prosecuted rule violations on CME Group Exchanges related to matters such as disruptive trading and messaging, spoofing, trading algorithms and system malfunctions, wash trades, position limit violations and non-competitive trading.
Bill has written and advised on numerous issues surrounding cryptocurrency and coin offerings, including ongoing developments in regulation of digital assets by the SEC, CFTC and other regulators.